This past week-end, I decided to try some ecodyeing on my own. I loved the pieces I dyed with Lorri Scott, but I was nervous about trying it on my own. Frankly, my dyeing skills are not as good when I work solo as they are when I work under Lorri's guidance.
I used rusty objects (I really want a bigger collection of rusty nails), flower petals and leaves from my backyard, and pokeberries. The flowers all turn brownish; the pokeberries go from a definite fuchsia to a muted purple; and the leaves turn a very pale light green. I used alum as a mordant and I soaked everything in baking soda and water after dying. I'm pleased with the way the rust dyeing turns out; but I'm I wish the flowers, leaves and berries wouldn't lose so much intensity.
Here are the results of my solo ecodyeing adventure, followed by closer views. I see cuffs, hearts nad collages in their future.