Ruth Rae opened a Pandora's Box when she taught me how to burn fabric in her class I took at ArtUnraveled. We used tea lights and a heat gun to burn synthetic fabric, transparencies and other goodies (bad smells, good results),
Here are some photos:
organza sewn over resin paper image (with cotton thread); then, I cut slits in the channels and then hit them with the heat gun (fabric curls up and gets very cool edges).
sewing more stuff onto first burnt piece (craft felt heart, stamped with text, transparency of an image I photoshopped long ago (edges burnt by using tea light).
adding netting to muslin, then slicing and hitting with the heat gun.
adding more resin paper, fabric paper, craft felt and transparencies to the bottom part of the muslin (of course, this involved more burning).
layered and still working on wire frame.
Still working on metal frame, but finished with fabric and image layering and burning. By the way, the image of the mother and children is a photo of my nanna and my uncle and mother (the baby), taken in 1914.
I absolutely loved my class with Ruth Rae and would recommend that you take any class you can from her.